MOCT started international medical support in 1994. In the first 10 years there is a series of setbacks which reminded Chair Shizuko Tsuya of Dr. Marcel Junod who faced huge difficulties to bring tons of medical supplies to Hiroshima after the dropping of the atomic bomb. He kept holding selfless love, hope, and courage whenever he faced difficulties. Helping people could be the fabulous model for how to live. These thoughts brought her the production of Anime “Junod” which depicts his lifetime. It was completed in 2010. On top of that Empress Michiko kindly came to see Anime “Junod”. We continue to put the movie on the screen around the world and hope that people can learn how to live in the happiness by sharing Dr. Junod’s spirits.
Upcoming Overseas Screenings
June 7
Anime “Junod” was screened for the 7th grade of Medical course, Hiroshima Johoku Junior High. Students had read “Along with Iranian poison gas survivors” written by Director Shizuko Tsuya beforehand. Ms. Tsuya gave a lecture about Dr. Junod and spoke about the importance of gratitude. Meanwhile Dr. Takafumi Tsuya provided advice and encouragement to the students. Johoku-roasted coffee beans were presented to Dr. and Ms. Tsuya this year, too.
July 13
Lecture “Peace curriculum” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” for the sophomores of 4 medical departments at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus – first face-to-face lecture since COVID-19 outbreak on Kasumi.
June 16
Anime “Junod” was screened for the 7th grade at Medical course, Hiroshima Johoku Junior High after “Along with Iranian poison gas survivors” by Director Shizuko Tsuya was read by the students. Ms. Tsuya gave a lecture about Dr. Junod and her medical support. Then Q & A was held. Dr. Takafumi Tsuya gave a talk about the future medical care thinking of the ChatGPT. Johoku-roasted coffee beans were presented to Dr. and Ms. Tsuya.
July 14
Lecture “Peace curriculum” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” for the sophomores of 4 medical departments at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus – Online lecture due to the COVID-19 for three years in a row.
May 20
Anime “Junod” was screened for the 7th grade at Medical course, Hiroshima Johoku Junior High after “Along with Iranian poison gas survivors” by Director Shizuko Tsuya was read by the students. Ms Tsuya gave a lecture about the film. Then Q & A was held. Dr. Takafumi Tsuya gave an encouraging speech to future medical doctors. One of the curriculum, Production of the Johoku brand’s fair trade coffee started and the coffee beans were presented to Dr. and Ms. Tsuya.
July 21
Chair Shizuko Tsuya gave a lecture “It is important to remember a benefactor of Hiroshima Dr. Marcel Junod at Hiroshima Recurrent University. Anime “Junod” was screend. (Senda campus, Nakaku Hiroshima).
July 15
Lecture “Peace curriculum” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” for the sophomores of 4 medical departments at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus – Online lecture due to the COVID-19 for two years in a row.
June 25
For the first batch of the students of the 7th grade, Medical course, Hiroshima Johoku Junior High, Anime “Junod” was screened after “Along with Iranian poison gas survivors” by Director Shizuko Tsuya was read by the students. Ms. Tsuya gave a lecture about the film. Then Q & A was held along with Dr. Takafumi Tsuya who gave an encouraging speech to future medical doctors.
July 9
Lecture “Peace curriculum” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” for sophomores of 4 medical departments at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus – Online lecture during the current outbreak of COVID-19 this year.
July 11
Lecture “Peace curriculum” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus (4 medical departments)
June 5
Anime “Junod” was screened at Armenia-Japan Cultural-Educational Center
“HIKARI” (Yerevan city). Faculties and students of Yerevan State University of Theater & Cinematography joined. This screening was held due to the screening at “KIN International Film Festival” (Yerevan) in 2018.
July 15
Lecture “Peace curriculum” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” for the sophomores of 4 medical departments at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus – Online lecture due to the COVID-19 for two years in a row.
November 15
Anime “Junod” screening at “KIN International Film Festival” right after opening ceremony. Full of 70 audience (AGBU Armenia Hall, Yerevan city, Armenia)
June 16, 17
Anime “Junod” screenings of Dr. Junod Memorial Ceremony at Hiroshima TV & Chugoku Shimbun Halls (by Hiroshima Prefectural Medical Association & NPO MOCT)
January 26
Screening at “Japanese Film Festival” at Edinburgh University sponsored by Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh, UK
December 16
Special screening of Anime “Junod” at “Bahamas International Film Festival 2017” in Nassau, Bahamas
December 14
Screening of Anime “Junod” at “Smile International Film Festival for Children & Youth” in New Delhi, India
September 27 – October 3
Visit to Glasgow, UK
Screening of Anime “Junod” at “World of Film: International Festival Glasgow”, the first screening in UK
“The Best Feature Animation Award” came to Anime “Junod” by audience-pick
August 18 – 22
Visit to Montreal, Canada
Screening of Anime “Junod” at “Animaze – Montreal International Animation Film Festival”, the first screening in North America.
“Animation for Peace Award” came to Anime “Junod”
July 13
Lecture “Peace Subject” as liberal arts by Chair Shizuko Tsuya and the screening of Anime “Junod” at Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus
June 18
Junod Memorial Festival
Screening of Anime “Junod” co-sponsored by Hiroshima prefectural medical association and NPO MOCT
May 22 – 27
Visit to Cannes, France
Screening of Anime “Junod” in “Animation Day in Cannes”. “Animation That Matters Awards” comes to Anime “Junod”
July 19
Donation of DVD Anime “Junod” to 5 junior high schools in Hiroshima as a project of the Junod delivery with love
July 5
Screening of Anime “Junod” and the lecture by Chair Shizuko Tsuya at Higashihara Junior High School
June 5
Screening of Anime “Junod” at Junod Memorial Festival at B1 auditorium of Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum in Naka-ku, Hiroshima co-sponsored by Hiroshima prefecture Medical Association and NPO MOCT
December 12
Talk-show and the screening of Anime “Junod” at “Human Right Festival (sponsored by Higashi-hiroshima city at Higashi-hiroshima Culture Center)
September 4 – 10
・Screening of Anime “Junod” in Zurich and Basel held by Japan Club Zurich
・A tour of Founder of the Red Cross Henri Dunant Museum Heiden, Switzerland
July 13

Donation of DVD Anime “Junod” to 5 junior high schools in Hiroshima as a project of Junod delivery with love
June 7
Screening of Anime “Junod” after “Junod Memorial Festival” (held by Hiroshima prefecture Medical Association) at B1 auditorium of Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum in Naka-ku, Hiroshima
October 22
Donation of DVD Anime “Junod” to 5 junior high schools in Hiroshima as a project of Junod delivery with love
September 8
Four-DVD Anime “Junod” sold to Mayor for Peace
August 9 – 10
Televising Anime “Junod” on “NHK World” in approx. 140 countries and regions (year 2015 as well)
June 15
Screening Anime “Junod” after “Junod Memorial Festival” (held by Hiroshima prefecture Medical Association) at Chugoku Shimbun Newspaper Co. Great Hall in Naka-ku, Hiroshima
May 13
Donation of DVD Anime “Junod” Barrier-Free version to Japan Lighthouse Information Culture Center in Nishi-ku, Osaka
Overseas Screenings (click)
Date |
Film Festival, Award/Screening Organizer, Venue |
2019/10 |
ICRC Nigeria screening |
2019/6/5 |
Armenia-Japan Cultural-Educational Center “HIKARI” (Yerevan, Armenia) |
2018/11/15 |
“KIN International Film Festival” (Yerevan, Armenia) |
2018/1/26 |
“Japanese Film Festival” organized by Edinburgh Consulate General of Japan (Edinburgh University, UK) |
2017/12/16 |
“Bahamas International Film Festival 2017” (Nassau, Bahamas) |
2017/12/14 |
“Smile International Film Festival for Children & Youth “(New Delhi, India) |
2017/10/1 |
“World of Film: International Festival Glasgow”(Websters Theatre Glasgow, UK) Very first screening in UK
“Best Animated Feature” (Awarded by Audience Pick) |
2017/8/19 |
“Animaze – Montreal International Animation Film Festival ” (McCord Museum, Montreal, Canada)
Very first screening in North America
“Animation for Peace Award” |
2017/5/25 |
“Animation Day in Cannes!” (Special event, Palais E in Cannes International Film Festival 2017, France)
“Animation That Matters Award” |
2015/9/21 |
Medical Doctors’ Lifelong-learning Society by Pfannenstiel city medical association (Zurich, Switzerland) |
2015/9/8 |
Basel screening organized by Japan Club Zurich (Stadtkino Basel, Switzerland) |
2015/9/6 |
Zurich screening organized by Japan Club Zurich (Kino Filmpodium, Zurich, Switzerland) |
2015/8/2-3 |
“NHK World” broadcasting on TV (Japan International Broadcasting Inc.) |
2014/8/9-10 |
“NHK World” broadcasting on TV (Japan International Broadcasting Inc.) |
2014/2/3 |
“Fajr International Film Festival 2014″(Science technology center, Tehran, Iran) |
2013/10/10 |
Anime “Junod” English-dubbed ver. completion commemorative screening organized by International Committee of the Red Cross Information and Communications dept. (International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Geneva) |
2012/10/5 |
“European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA” (Novi Beograd city cultural center, Serbia) “Special Award” |
2012/5/4 |
Geneva screening organized by then Japanese Association in Geneva, Switzerland (Geneva University) |
2011/6/19 |
Screening at Beijing Research Center of Hiroshima University (China) |
Special Award, Animation Film Festival in Serbia, Oct 5, 2012

“European Animated Film Festival
Chair Ms Shizuko Tsuya at “European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA”(ⒸBALKANIMA)

Junod film crews after award ceremony

Project “Junod Delivery with Love”
The effort to donate DVD Anime “Junod” goes well due to the result of a charity concert and company sponsorship. In July 2013, we donated fifty-eight DVDs of the barrier-free version to a hearing difficulties facility headquarters in Tokyo, then another forty DVDs went to a visually impaired facility in May 2014. After 2015, we mainly donate to Junior High School in Hiroshima. Thank you so much for your kind support.
Recipient Lists of “Junod Delivery with Love”
Donation years |
school and group names |
Association |
2013 |
Information and Culture Center for the Deaf (Meguro, Tokyo) 58 DVDs |
Planning and Public Relations, Japanese Red Cross Society |
2014 |
National Association of Institutions of Information Service for Visually Impaired Persons (Osaka) 40 DVDs |
Planning and Public Relations, Japanese Red Cross Society |
Hiroshima Municipal Higashihara Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Ushita Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Hesaka Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Furuta Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Noboricho Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
2015 |
Hiroshima Municipal Misuzugaoka Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Otsuka Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Waseda Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Kokutaiji Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
Hiroshima Municipal Yuki Junior High School |
Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education |
2016 |
Kindai University Junior High School |
Educational Affairs of Hiroshima prefecture |
Hiroshima Shudo University Suzugamine Girl’s Junior High School |
Educational Affairs of Hiroshima prefecture |
Hiroshima Johoku Junior High School |
Educational Affairs of Hiroshima prefecture |
Yasuda Girls’ Junior High School |
Educational Affairs of Hiroshima prefecture |
Kure Municipal Washo Junior High School |
Principal of the school |
Would you like to hold Anime “Junod” screening?
We lend Anime “Junod” DVD of Japanese original, English subtitle ver., barrier-free ver. (with Japanese subtitle and Voice guide for hearing or visually impaired people).
General screening fee—————————-¥100,000
Closed screening fee (at school, facilities, etc.) –¥20,000
The screening of the movie has royalties for one screening as a matter of principle.
For more details, please contact Anime “Junod” production committee.
TELL/FAX +81-(0)82-223-0790